Dark humor and jokes that are intentionally offensive can offer an even greater release. By sitting in an audience and listening to someone reel off edgy joke after edgy joke, we can laugh without fear and allow our stresses to melt away.  View in galleryComedy should be above censorship, in many ways, because it is not condoning anything. Instead, it is making light of the bad, ridiculing the villains, and empowering people to laugh in the face of adversity.

Best Lighthearted Dark Humor JokesGuilty Pleasure Dark Humor JokesQuintessentially British Dark JokesBest Offensive Jokes for Around the Dinner TableMorbid Jokes You Can’t Help But Laugh AtThe Naughtiest Dark Humor Jokes

Warning The following post contains material that some may find offensive. As the title of the article suggests, this post contains some seriously dark humor jokes. If you are nervous of an easily offended disposition, then maybe you should take a look at one of our other, more generally palatable posts instead. Continue on at your peril; belly laughs and guilt lay ahead of you. 

First, What Are Dark Humor Jokes?

Humor is a very subjective thing. What one person may find pant-wettingly hilarious, another may find dull and boring. Look at anything from stand-up comedians to tv sitcoms and comedies. Just because you have a sense of humor and like one of the above, though, you will not necessarily like everything. Such is life! Yet, when it comes to laughter, one style is looked up with far more disdain than others. Dark humor jokes are like an uncle with Tourettes; everybody wishes they had one, but when you do, you’re not really allowed to talk about it.  By their very definition, dark humor jokes take the worst parts of life and make light of them. Often called black humor or gallows humor, it is something that lies in the underbelly of many. However, many are unwilling to give in and give a laugh for fear of condemnation.  Looking through the annals of history, humor has always been a manner in which people can push boundaries and test the limits of what can be allowed. Dark jokes have been traced back as far as Ancient Greece. View in gallery

Defining Dark Jokes

First off, dark jokes take subjects that are considered either offensive or uncomfortable and turn them into a joke. We’re talking about subjects like:

Disability DiseaseDeathAbuseRacismSexismWarPovertySex and Sexuality

These are all subjects that make people uneasy when discussing them. Often because their discussion is commonly a cause of offense.

What Makes Dark Jokes So Funny?

For as long as comedy has existed, people have laughed at misfortune. Whether their own or that of others. The coping mechanism we mentioned above makes it possible for us to discuss otherwise hard topics. For example, take the holocaust. Without question, it was the darkest time in human history. Yet there are a great many jokes out there that make the holocaust the butt of the joke. What is interesting to note is that there has been a scientific link discovered between those with a dark sense of humor and intelligence. Those who have a higher level of intelligence are more apt to be in possession of a dark sense of humor. Again, we won’t be delving into specifics, but from the base level, that makes sense. And, it’s not because dark jokes are difficult to understand or take excessive processing power. Even so, understanding what these dark humor jokes are trying to achieve may be more evident to those of a more intelligent persuasion. Anyway, that’s enough of the psycho-babble. It’s time to take a look at the reason you’re all here reading this post. The best dark humor jokes you can add to your repertoire that are guaranteed to turn any conversation instantly awkward.

Best Lighthearted Dark Humor Jokes

View in gallery As with everything in life, there are degrees of moderation, even when it comes to dark humor and jokes. The following collection of jokes are sure to make people giggle but don’t come close to crossing any moral lines. There is more to having a dark sense of humor than being a member of the Addams Family.   When telling jokes of any kind, there is something magical about the simplicity with which they can come together. A play on words here, a pun there, and you have a collection of mildly offensive jokes that are still reasonably safe to use in most social circles. (However, don’t worry if these jokes are not dark enough for your tastes. We are just getting started.)

9 Silly Yet Funny Dark Jokes:

Guilty Pleasure Dark Humor Jokes

View in gallery We all have guilty pleasures. Life wouldn’t be the same without them. Those little things that you know you shouldn’t like or do, but do anyway. A guilty pleasure to some could be grabbing a sneaky hamburger or (for those in the UK) a cheeky Nandos. For me, it’s watching the Wrong Turn horror movies. For others, it’s laughing at offensive jokes or sharing memes around the workplace … alright, fine, that’s me too.  The following dark humor jokes will test your resistance to the guilty pleasures life has to offer. You will laugh, and you will feel mildly guilty for it, and then you will laugh again. That’s just how it works. These are the sort of jokes you will keep in your arsenal and use them sparingly but with a reasonably broad audience. In other words, these are a mild to moderate offense level.

9 Jokes You Feel Bad Laughing At:

Quintessentially British Dark Jokes

View in gallery The British have a very unique sense of humor. It’s sarcastic and dry, and often their offensive jokes are delivered in such a way that you don’t realize they are offensive until it’s too late. Thus, you will find yourself laughing, and then suddenly, the true darkness of it will hit you. Yes, it’s a hard delivery skill to pull off, but works so well with those gallows-style dark humor jokes. You don’t need to be British to understand or tell these jokes, but it does help. There is a cleverness to many of them that border on subtle but pack a punch that would floor Rocky Balboa. In addition, there is something different about the delivery of British-inspired dark jokes. A deliberate simplicity and a directness that cuts that much shaper, yet at the same time, more entertaining.

9 Bleak British Humor Jokes:

Best Offensive Jokes for Around the Dinner Table

View in gallery Mealtimes are often a place for good conversation. A chance for the family to get together and talk about their day. In our house, we like to use it as a chance to air our worries and fears and talk about things that are bothering us. Dark humor and jokes flow like wine and gravy in others, and the only thing sharper than the wit is the key lime pie mum made for dessert.  The following collection of dark jokes all share either a conversation simplicity or an association with food. They are the perfect example of jokes that can just roll off the tongue between courses. Furthermore, they can be delivered without warning, an act that only serves to heighten their impact. (Just be careful who is sitting around the table because your grandmother might not appreciate your dark humor or jokes.)

9 Offensive Jokes for Any Occasion:

Morbid Jokes You Can’t Help But Laugh At

Life’s a piece of shit,When you look at it.Life’s a laugh, and death’s a joke; it’s true.You’ll see it’s all a show.Keep ’em laughin’ as you go.Just remember that the last laugh is on you. I doubt many people could better explain a morbid sense of humor than the Monty Python team. When talking about dark humor jokes and offensive memes, there is no topic more open to ridicule than death itself. Not only is death frightfully boring, but it’s also the last thing you do with your life. So after a good number of years on this planet, why not make sure you go out with a smile.  The following dark jokes are treading a fine line, a fact that only serves to make them even funnier. Like a fart in church, knowing you shouldn’t makes it that much harder to resist. So crack open a couple of these dark humor jokes and just watch as people you would never have expected to smirk start to giggle without remorse. 

9 Morbid Jokes About Death:

The Naughtiest Dark Humor Jokes

View in gallery You couldn’t write a post about jokes without including a few naughty ones. A couple of spicy and sexy jokes to make you laugh and question your own fetishes. Sex and sexuality are often part of a morbid humor playlist. The same way pleasure and pain can flirt their way through life together, dark humor and jokes of a sexual nature are a near-perfect pair.   Below, the collection of dark humor jokes all have a slightly spicy theme to them. Some are simple, and others are of a far darker tone. They made for devilishly uncomfortable reading. Not only will they make you laugh, but the reaction of those you’re telling them to will be utterly priceless. The look on their faces as they try to hold back their smiles will only make you laugh even harder. 

9 Darkly Sexual Jokes:

Having a Dark Sense of Humor Is No Bad Thing

If you laughed at any of these jokes, don’t worry. You are not broken, and you do not have a fundamental problem in your central processing unit. You are just a human who understands humor and the subtleties that go with it. Moreover, if you felt guilty about laughing at some of these jokes, then you need to worry even less.  Having a taste for dark humor jokes is no longer the social stigma that it was; much like the uncle with Tourrettes we mentioned earlier in this article, it is no longer kept as the family secret. If anything, having a penchant for giggling at these dark jokes might signify that you are a very intelligent individual. Humor is, was, and always will be subjective. It is supposed to tear down boundaries and borders; it is there as a device to make those who listen and laugh feel a little guilty for doing so, but at the same time relieve some of the stresses and pressures surrounding us.  We are all dealing with kind of BS–some of it is heavier, thicker, and smellier than others. Nevertheless, it still all came from life’s same orifice. And so, by laughing at something similar or equally negative, we lighten the load that sits on our own shoulders. 

Dark Humor Jokes: The Punchline 

It doesn’t matter if you laughed out loud at the orphan jokes in the list above or simply had a giggle at a few inappropriate memes during your last online meeting, you have a taste for dark humor jokes. But don’t worry. Offensive jokes are only that way if you take them that way. Otherwise, they are no different from a knock-knock joke.  If you start telling some of the jokes above, just make sure that you are in the right location with the right people. For example, cracking out a few of these during a stag night or while out with a few buddies, you should be fine. However, if you uncork a few during your granny’s eulogy, then you’re probably going to garner a few dodgy looks.  It is also essential to keep in mind that while dark jokes may be offensive, they should never be used to offend. After all, that is a very different kettle of fish.  So, how’d we do? Did we get a rise out of you with any of our offensive jokes? Or, have you met with some success applying a healthy dosage of black comedy to your daily life? What are your favorite dark humor jokes to tell? Leave us a comment below!

60 Best Dark Humor Jokes that Are Equally Offensive and Funny - 660 Best Dark Humor Jokes that Are Equally Offensive and Funny - 6860 Best Dark Humor Jokes that Are Equally Offensive and Funny - 7160 Best Dark Humor Jokes that Are Equally Offensive and Funny - 5760 Best Dark Humor Jokes that Are Equally Offensive and Funny - 1660 Best Dark Humor Jokes that Are Equally Offensive and Funny - 6060 Best Dark Humor Jokes that Are Equally Offensive and Funny - 5660 Best Dark Humor Jokes that Are Equally Offensive and Funny - 960 Best Dark Humor Jokes that Are Equally Offensive and Funny - 1660 Best Dark Humor Jokes that Are Equally Offensive and Funny - 9360 Best Dark Humor Jokes that Are Equally Offensive and Funny - 8360 Best Dark Humor Jokes that Are Equally Offensive and Funny - 4160 Best Dark Humor Jokes that Are Equally Offensive and Funny - 8060 Best Dark Humor Jokes that Are Equally Offensive and Funny - 45